Sanya ClubMED 三亚地中海俱乐部总体规划设计
Sanya ClubMED 三亚地中海俱乐部总体规划设计
Sanya ClubMED 三亚地中海俱乐部总体规划设计

Sanya ClubMED 三亚地中海俱乐部总体规划设计

Sanya ClubMED

Right from the start, the planning of this resort is at the core values of Club MED, happiness, connection and people. From where you have fun to where you relax, the resort is designed to maximize happiness of your stay. Slip into another space, there’s always something around the corner, never a dead end, promote chance encounter, encourage new discoveries. At the core of this resort, lies the great staging ground for happiness.

从一开始,这个度假村的规划就融入了 Club MED的核心价值-快乐,沟通及人与人。是提供快乐和放松的地方,这个度假村的设计完全是为了在旅程中提供最佳的快乐感受。

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