Liming University Campus 黎明大学
Liming University Campus 黎明大学
Liming University Campus 黎明大学
Liming University Campus 黎明大学

Liming University Campus 黎明大学

Liming University

The challenge of this project was to complete a holistic landscape update to a 30 year old campus built on a dense and steep hill in Quanzhou. The campus holds over 10,000 students majority of which lives on campus.  The overused landscape served as an important public gathering space for the students.  The project was conceived in 4 parts completed in the span of 4 years, with the last phase completing in 2019.

该项题目位于福建泉州,校园景观环境的设计不同于其他文化性或商业性环境的设计,它承载着人文历史的传承,是学生接受知识的场所。黎明大学新校区的景观将沿着学者的旅程而设计。梁披云先生为黎大的题词“迎着黎明的光辉,把春天的种子播遍全世界。”是这次校园精神的体现和灵感来源。重温梁披云先生的学者之旅,在黎明的光辉下,把未来之路呈现在学生和老师面前, 为学生和教师开启一个既承载历史使命,又体现独特现代特征的校园之旅。

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