Songjiang Urban Redevelopment 松江城市改造
Songjiang Urban Redevelopment 松江城市改造
Songjiang Urban Redevelopment 松江城市改造

Songjiang Urban Redevelopment 松江城市改造

Songjiang Movie City Masterplan

Together with IFADUR urban planners, the landscape project develops around two intertwining stories: The water canal web, the green axis from north to south, are telling the ancestral story of Songjiang, and making the project as a whole city, connected, and grounded in its culture.

Second, the lights of the movies, the lights of the high tech and the stars, are materialized in a main axis From West to East, where the colors, the lighting scheme and the public art give a strong identity to the site and link the main key points together.

与法国邑法建筑设计事务所一同设计的松江规划,叙述了两个故事:1 水渠之网,由北向南的绿轴,诉说着松江代代相传的故事。它为绿色区域、公园创造了机会,并让市民沿着河岸湖边寻找一种新的现代而又充满魅力和历史的生活方式。概念图表达了这一描述,为松江创造了独特的风景。

2 电影的灯光,高科技的灯光和星星的灯光,从西向东的主轴上显现出来,在那里,色彩、灯光方案和公共艺术给基地带来了强烈的标识感,并把主要的关键点联系在一起。它创造了所有的地标和活动,可以与戛纳电影节上的主要电影节和电影城市,以及洛杉矶的电影地标相比。

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